Hornitos Tequila Launches A Fair Shot™ Program to Empower Aspiring Americans on Their Journeys Toward Citizenship

Hornitos Tequila Launches A Fair Shot™ Program to Empower Aspiring Americans on Their Journeys Toward Citizenship
Hornitos Tequila Launches A Fair Shot™ Program to Empower Aspiring Americans on Their Journeys Toward Citizenship
CHICAGO, Sept. 22, 2020 – In 1873, the founding family behind Hornitos® Tequila crossed the border from Mexico to the United States, taking their shot to become the first family to bring tequila to the U.S. market. Years later, that spirit of independence and drive remains alive in thousands of legal immigrants traveling the same path toward citizenship. In honor of its heritage and in response to the current challenges facing immigrant communities, Hornitos Tequila today introduced A Fair Shot™, a multi-year initiative developed in collaboration with long-standing partner The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC Institute), as well as We Are All Human (WAAH), to support the immediate and long-term needs of aspiring citizens.
“Whether pushing the boundaries of tequila making or striving toward a goal in life, Hornitos is rooted in the belief that we must take chances for a brighter future,” said Rashidi Hodari, Managing Director of Tequila at Beam Suntory. “We recognize the path to citizenship is not an easy one, especially now with COVID-19 putting fundamental needs at risk for many aspiring citizens. A Fair Shot aims to reduce these barriers and renew a spirit of independence, resilience and hope on the journey, including for our extended family and partners in the restaurant and bar industry who seek legal citizenship.”
A Fair Shot launches this month as Hispanic Heritage Month begins, with WAAH setting out on a purpose-driven mobile tour to aid immigrant communities in Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago. An Airstream trailer staffed and managed by WAAH, the A Fair Shot mobile tour will provide essentials including personal care items and household supplies, supporting immediate needs of those on the citizenship journey. Further, WAAH will be donating meals to restaurant and bar employees in the surrounding areas, a community that has been severely affected by the COVID-19 climate.
In addition to supporting fundamental, immediate needs through food and essential supplies, A Fair Shot will also provide crucial citizenship information accessible to members of the Spanish-speaking community through the Intro to U.S. Citizenship booklet, developed by LULAC and available directly through the A Fair Shot mobile tour. The booklet is also available for download online at https://www.lulac.org/afairshot. Hornitos Tequila has been steadfast in its support of aspiring citizens, partnering with LULAC, the oldest and largest Hispanic organization in the United States, on their direct services that support immigrants at various stages of the citizenship process.
“Amidst a global pandemic, we are coming together with Hornitos and We Are All Human in a creative way to truly touch and help our comunidades where it matters most," said Sindy Benavides, LULAC National Chief Executive Officer. “LULAC is proud to be part of this nationwide outreach because it affirms the spirit of anything-is-possible that our Latino men and women carry in their hearts every day as America’s essential workers. I can already see the Airstream making stops across the country in vecindades where our people live and work. Providing supplies, information and lots of encouragement will bring countless smiles during these difficult times. We are in this together and the dream of becoming an American citizen is a journey weaved into the very fabric of who we are as a nation. There is no doubt that with A Fair Shot todo es posible.”
“We are thrilled and honored to have this opportunity to partner with Hornitos, a brand that shares our values of empowerment and respect of every human,” said Claudia Romo Edelman, Founder, We Are All Human. “This much-needed initiative is anticipated to impact more than 120,000 aspiring citizens this year alone and will forever change their lives on the path to achieve equality. With Hornitos’ help in providing these vital resources within our community, we are able to further our mission to give all individuals a fair chance to be valued and for their aspirations to be supported, regardless of their background or current status in society.”
Supporters can get involved by donating to A Fair Shot at https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/afairshot/. Donations to Hornitos Tequila’s A Fair Shot program will assist the tequila brand and its partners, LULAC and WAAH, in positively impacting the lives of immigrant communities around the country.
For more information about LULAC, visit https://www.lulac.org, follow @LULAC on Twitter and Instagram or like LULAC on Facebook. For more information about We Are All Human, visit www.WeAreAllHuman.org, follow @WAAH_Foundation on Twitter, @weare_allhuman on Instagram or like We Are All Human on Facebook. For more information about Hornitos Tequila, visit https://www.hornitostequila.com. To track the A Fair Shot mobile tour’s journey and see when it will make stops in your neighborhood, follow Hornitos Tequila on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
About Hornitos® Tequila
Hornitos® Tequila has a history of breaking tradition dating back to 1950 when founder Don Francisco launched the brand in honor of Mexican Independence Day. The Hornitos family of tequilas keeps Don Francisco’s legacy alive, using the same high standards to cultivate the best and most flavorful agaves, molding them into premium tequilas that everyone can enjoy. He brought the celebrated spirit to new heights with the agave-robust Reposado, broke the rules to create a crystalline Plata, went above and beyond tequila standards to make an ultra-smooth and aromatic Añejo and pushed the boundaries of tequila innovation with whiskey barrel aged Hornitos® Black Barrel® Tequila and Hornitos Cristalino.
70 years later, Hornitos inspires its fans to adopt the same boundary-pushing mindset through its “A Shot Worth Taking” campaign that highlights the extraordinary things that can happen when people are willing to take a chance. Since the inception of “A Shot Worth Taking” in 2017, Hornitos has empowered fans to take their shot and provided funds and opportunities to make their aspirations achievable.
Established in 1929, the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation's largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC's programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit https://www.LULAC.org.
About We Are All Human
We Are All Human is a foundation dedicated to advancing the agenda of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Our vision is for every human to value every human. Our mission is to advocate for every human to be respected and empowered by focusing on our common humanity. By focusing on the universal values that make us all human, we can reach common ground, eliminate discrimination and achieve a more equitable society.