People of Beam Suntory: Luis Alfonso Dugarte Rangel

Luis Alfonso Dugarte Rangel
People of Beam Suntory: Luis Alfonso Dugarte Rangel
“Growing up, I watched my grandmother build several local businesses and restaurants in Mérida, Spain, from the ground up. I adopted a lot of my core values from her and learned the importance of surrounding yourself with people, especially those who will support you.
I started my career in Chemistry, and at times it was isolating. It felt like something was missing. When I reflected on the values my grandmother instilled in me, I realized my desire to connect with people wasn’t being fulfilled. That’s when I decided to go back to school and get my master’s in Business Administration and Organizational Management. After completing the program, I began my journey in the world of Human Resources (HR).
I now feel fulfilled with my role in HR because I get to connect with the global Beam Suntory team and help build the culture in the Madrid office while providing solutions for recruitment, including hiring diverse talent. When I first got to Beam Suntory, we didn’t have a Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) team in the international region. So, we created one and I stepped up as leader of the LGBTQ+ workstream. It became a passion project of mine as I feel diversity is a key pillar in every organization.
Since I began working within the HR DEI space, we’ve seen so much more diversity in the international region in terms of race, gender, people with disabilities, people from the LGBTQ+ community and candidates with different backgrounds in general. A future goal of mine is to help grow a more inclusive culture across our global regions -- it’s important not to limit change.
One of the many phrases that I live by is ‘Sin Limites’ which means no limits or boundaries. It’s a saying that reminds me of my grandmother, who knew what she wanted and didn’t limit herself when it came to building her life and businesses. This saying adds value to my life every day and allows me to embrace and build my future without limits.”
- Luis Alfonso Dugarte Rangel, Talent Acquisition Lead EMEA, Madrid, Spain